Components of Bridge in Construction and Their Functions

The inspection of components of bridge while construction of bridge is important why! Let’s see a story, A bridge, which was being constructed for a whopping amount of Rs 12 crore, collapsed in Bihar, India. The bridge has collapsed due to negligence by the construction company. This a crazy study of how common sense can fall through the cracks of strained budgets and rigid oversight from city and state staff. The lesson that came out of it are not just relevant to people who works on bridge in construction. It’s a story of how numerous small mistakes by individuals can collectively lead to a tragedy.

In this blog we will further discuss about the different components of bridge in construction and also talk about their importance and functions. Why precise inspection is important while working in the bridge construction projects. In this blog we will discuss about items in the structure of bridge construction.

I have already written about the function and types of bridge in construction. You can check it out here; What Is Bridge Construction? Components and Functions of Bridge

Basic Components of Bridge Structures

The bridge components mainly divided into the two parts;

Components of bridge

  • Superstructure
  • Substructure

1. Superstructure :

  • The components of bridge which are above the bearings is known as the superstructure. Beams, girder, arch, cables, deck slab, parapet wall etc.

Superstructure Components of The Bridge :-

Bridge Deck : It is the load bearing floor of the bridge which carries and spread the loas to the main beams. It is either of reinforced concrete, pre-stressed concrete, welded steel etc.

Bridge Deck

Girders : The girders are the long span beam which is made up from steel or prestressed concrete spanning two consecutive piers.

Bridge girder

Bearings : The bearings are provided at the joining point between the piers and girders. They allow the longitudinal movement of the girder without affecting the piers due to the moving load on the deck.

2. Substructure :

  • The components of bridge which are below the bearings is the substructure components. Foundation is also a part of substructure. Abutments, piers, piles, wing wall etc.

Substructure Components of The Bridge :-

Abutment : These are the end pillars provided to support the superstructure. These are used to retain the earth behind the structure.

Piers : These are the intermediate pillars to support the superstructure of bridge.

Bridge Piers

Wing wall : It is a extended structure which is connected with the abutment to retain the earth pressure is called wing wall and it also retain the earth filling of the approach road.

Approaches : The approaches are the length of communication route at both ends of the bridge. As per IRC standard it should not be less than 15 m.

Piles : Deep foundation elements driven into the ground to support the bridge when the soil near the surface is not capable of bearing the loads. Piles can be made of steel and concrete.

Foundation :The part of the bridge substructure that transfers loads from the piers and abutments to the ground soil. You can read more about it in detail here, foundation in construction projects.

In general understanding the different components of the bridge is basic things when we are going to Learn about the bridge engineering. The infrastructure development is here and a good civil engineering student should have insights about the different field is must and this blog may help you get some knowledge. Thank you.

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My name is Axay, a Senior Civil Engineer, Blogger and Writer with 3 years of hands-on experience. Sharing insights on civil engineering's practical applications and industry trends. Let's build the future together, one blog post at a time.

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