A Step-by-Step Guide : How to Calculate Unit Weight of Steel?


The unit weight of steel bars helps determine the load bearing capacities massive structures. Learning to apply the formula for calculating unit weight of steel bars can help you find the weights of steel bars.

The unit weight of an object is the weight per unit length of the object. Therefore, the unit weight of a steel bar is the weight per unit length of the steel bar.

The length of the TMT Steel Bar is 12 meters in general standard. Weight Tolerance of TMT steel bars is IS 1786:2008 as per IS guidelines.

The dia of TMT steel bars produced are 8mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm, 28mm, and 32mm. The TMT steel bars are generally calculated in kilogram, ton or quintal (1 Quintal = 100 kg, 1 Ton = 1000 kg).

The formula for calculating unit weight of steel bars is Weight (W) = Volume (V) x Density (D). Height of the rod = 1 m Diameter of the rod =  20 mm Therefore, radius = 10 mm Density = 7800 kg/m3

The volume of the steel bar: Volume (V) = Area (A) x Height (h) Unit area of the steel bar (A) = πr²= 3.14 x 10*10 A = 314 mm2

Converting mm2 into m2 A = 314 mm2  =  0.000314 m2 V = A x H = 0.000314 m2  x 1 m = 0.000314 m3  Weight  = V x D = 0.000314 m3 x 7800 kg/m3 = 2.44 kg